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All Documents in this docket

1-10 of 468 results

TN #:238576 Description:
Date: 06/30/2021 Size: 1140KB

TN #:238575 Description:
Date: 06/30/2021 Size: 942KB

TN #:233214 Description:California Energy Commission STAFF REPORT 2019 Natural Gas Market Trends and Outlook
Date: 05/29/2020 Size: 1191KB

TN #:232352 Description:This workbook contains the baseline natural gas demand forecast developed by the CEC/EAD staff as part of the 2017 IEPR proceeding. This set of sector/end-use projections is the starting point for scenarios that displace natural gas consumption and replace it with electricity in the same sector/end-use.
Date: 03/09/2020 Size: 114KB

TN #:232351 Description:This workbook provides detailed results (annual energy by utility, sector, and end-use) of the fuel substitution study developed by CEC/EAD for the 2019 IEPR cycle to evaluate alternative assumptions and generally explore sensitivity of results to assumptions.
Date: 03/09/2020 Size: 191KB

TN #:232350 Description:This workbook provides the results for year 2030 for the Pseudo-AB 3232 scenario of the 2019 IEPR Fuel Substitution Exploratory Study carried out over 2018 and 2019. Hourly results for an 8784 hour year using the 2016 calendar are provided for each of the five major electric utilities in California by sector and end-use.
Date: 03/09/2020 Size: 16888KB

TN #:232311 Description:These LSE and BA tables supersede the previously published forms and contain corrections to the form 1.1c for SDG&E planning area and allocation of pumping loads within SCE subareas in forms 1.5b – 1.5e. These corrections do not affect planning area or statewide totals.
Date: 03/04/2020 Size: 120KB

TN #:232310 Description:These LSE and BA tables supersede the previously published forms and contain corrections to the form 1.1c for SDG&E planning area and allocation of pumping loads within SCE subareas in forms 1.5b – 1.5e. These corrections do not affect planning area or statewide totals.
Date: 03/04/2020 Size: 119KB

TN #:232309 Description:These LSE and BA tables supersede the previously published forms and contain corrections to the form 1.1c for SDG&E planning area and allocation of pumping loads within SCE subareas in forms 1.5b – 1.5e. These corrections do not affect planning area or statewide totals.
Date: 03/04/2020 Size: 121KB

TN #:232308 Description:These LSE and BA tables supersede the previously published forms and contain corrections to the form 1.1c for SDG&E planning area and allocation of pumping loads within SCE subareas in forms 1.5b – 1.5e. These corrections do not affect planning area or statewide totals.
Date: 03/04/2020 Size: 120KB

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